Wolf 359

WISE 0855-0714

£5.00 or more. Digital download. MP3 and FLAC

1. Lower Fusion Limit 12:54
2. Flare Star 07:16
3. Planetary Daycare 05:20
4. M6V 11:30
5. Infrared Lights 3 23:16

"A galaxy to aid me, I commence the dark forces to perish!"

Meet Lyca. One of Violet's best friends and also one of her favourite playing buddies. For many reasons, honestly, but mostly because he loves playing her favourite roleplaying game with her. They then pretend to be heroes and cast away all the evil in the galaxy. The magical girl dress wasn't exactly his idea, but it makes Violet very happy when he wears it, and who is he to not make his best friend happy? He still very much presents himself as a boy though. He doesn't really understand what exactly a boy is, because he still hasn't figured it all out yet, but he does love being a boy.

Beside his favourite games, he is all bubbly and very, very active. His flares make him all sparkly and he often stumbles over his own words from all this excitement. Sometimes so bad he has to start his sentence from scratch. So no wonder that when he tries to impress Violet with his very own music, it's rather sparkly and bubbly, with spacey sounds put through a whole lot of layers of various effects and some sparkling distortion and oh does he love erratic beats. They do represent him best after all, and they make him all excited whenever they happen. The music still often has a calmness to it, and in the case of the last track, it even goes into a mixture of noise, erratic beats and dark ambient. The noise on this album, however, is mostly created by modulation of intensity and frequencies of the various effects used, a very different approach compared to what the twins or Violet did with their music.

His planets, usually very involved in their games, prefer to just sit down and listen to the ambience for a bit. That is, until some wolf comes around. He's nice, gentle and very calm, but they have absolutely no idea who he is, or which star he belongs to. Ah, but for now, there are way more exciting and interesting things on their minds. The evil Witch King, the villain of their current game, is about to unleash his fatal attack. Better prepare with the power of Lyca's magical, sparkling flares...

[This album was recorded and mixed with Headphones as the primary listening method in mind and might provide a different experience to those without]

released October 3, 2023

Music by Fin

Cover, logo, character and mascot design by @soaptaculart on Twitter

Effects used on this album include Valhalla Supermassive by Valhalla DSP and several default effects of MAGIX Music Maker Premium 2023